Benedict Roth
Benedict Roth is an informal educator who studied Hebrew at Oxford and Talmud at the Pardes Institute.
For a consensus on rabbas, learn halachah
In the words of the late Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, ‘When all else fails, read the instructions’.
Perform a Purim mitzvah
Gathering in shul may be allowed, but the responsible position is to stay home, argues Benedict Roth
In the eyes of the Torah, we are all the children of immigrants
The tension between narrower and more universal interpretation of the Torah is highlighted by a well-known verse in this week's sidrah
Who did God cry out for at the Crossing of the Red Sea - the Egyptians or the Israelites?
Rabbinic reaction to the concluding events of Pesach expose a tension between particularism and universalism
On Shavuot let's celebrate the spirit of rabbinic innovation
While some may argue the 'new is forbidden', rabbis have always been creative in their application of Torah
Purim - the festival that embraces the feminist voice in tradition
Why it is fitting that International Women's Day falls close to Purim
Orthodox women could enjoy greater equality if rabbis were ready to pursue it
A new book takes a fresh look at rabbinic sources on women's prayer
Women should be able to carry the Torah, too
The legacy of ancient debates over whether women should study Torah remains with us today
Don't shun frum feminists
The warning that the Torah gives over Israel
The Greater Israel movement that has driven Jewish settlements overlooks a key message of the sabbatical year
The fateful rejection behind Haman's hate
The rabbis made a surprising link between the children of Israel and their Amalekite arch-enemies, the ancestors of Haman
How slavery caused the Temple's loss
The Talmud offers a disturbing explanation for the tragedy of Tishah b’Av
How the Talmud's idea of equality got lost
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