Yavneh College issued a last-ditch plea to supporters to lobby Hertfordshire councillors for a change of heart over a £4 million grant application for a primary section.
Members of Hertfordshire's Education and Skills Cabinet were due yesterday to discuss the proposal, which county council officers have recommended be rejected. More than 1,000 people signed a petition backing the Borehamwood school's application and Jewish county and local councillors including Rabbi Alan Plancey, Morris Bright, Harvey Cohen and Hannah David have lobbied their colleagues.
"We are, of course, very upset about the officers' recommendation," said Yavneh governors' chair Sue Nyman. "We are hoping that there is still a chance we can secure the funding we need. We wanted parents to explain how important it is for them to be able to send their children to our new primary section.
"One of the key issues, we believe, is that our proposal could free up at least 30 places in Borehamwood's non-faith schools , thereby enabling the shortfall in general primary school places in our area to be minimised."