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The Jewish Chronicle

Woody Allen settles rabbi image claim

The film director has been given $5 million to settle a court action against a clothing firm that used his image without permission.

May 19, 2009 08:59
woody allen

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Woody Allen has been given $5 million (£3,264,000) to settle a court action against a clothing firm that used his image without his permission.

The 73-year-old director had sued the American clothing company American Apparel and originally sought $10 million after his image was placed on billboards all over New York and Los Angeles.

Mr Allen said his reputation had been damaged and the picture used for profit. American Apparel made the settlement as the case was about to begin on Monday at Manhatten federal court.

The image used was taken from Allen’s film “Annie Hall” and showed Mr Allen dressed as a rabbi. The clothing company’s lawyers said the picture was intended as a parody and not for commercial purposes.