The Jewish Chronicle

William Sutcliffe - Novelist

September 19, 2008 10:16

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

There's a joke in Sleeper where someone threatens to neutralise Woody Allen's brain, and he says, "My brain! But that's my second favourite organ!" Well, eating is my second favourite activity.

Nectarines: The sweet, white-fleshed ones sold by the tray in the south of France - you finish the whole lot before you've even got back to the car.

Lamb: Charred on the outside, bright red inside. No one ever reared sheep in a factory.

Brown bread: Fresh out of the oven (OK, bread-maker). How to feel ascetic and self-indulgent at the same time.

Claudia Roden's lemon chicken with rice: My mum used to make it for me as a child. Now I make it for my son.

Chocolate liqueurs: Two sins for the price of one. Liking chocolate liqueurs is about as cool as liking Wurlitzer organ music, but I can't help it.

Dietician Joan Wides writes:

William's clear passion for food happily coincides with healthy-eating principles. He relishes fruit, rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Wholegrain flour in his home-made bread can help with weight management and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. Incorporating lemons into a chicken dish not only adds flavour but also vitamin C and limonoid phytochemicals, thought to be protective against cancer. The best sources of these are the rind and pith, so try to use a recipe which makes use of the whole lemon. While lamb is a good source of protein and iron, William should buy the leanest cuts and avoid eating charred fat since this could increase the risk of cancer. The odd chocolate liqueur fits perfectly well into a balanced and varied diet.

William Sutcliffe's novel Whatever makes You Happy is published by Bloomsbury at £10.99