The Jewish Chronicle

Universities will have to tell government how they are combating extremists on campus

November 30, 2015 14:24
At least 70 events featuring hate speakers occurred on campuses last year, including SOAS University

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

Universities will have to provide the government with annual reports outlining their measures they are taking to keep hate speakers off campus.

A report published today by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) outlined a framework for monitoring higher education institutions which have had to implement the government counter-terrorism Prevent strategy since September this year.

Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act each university is responsible for setting up risk assessment for external speakers and events as well as providing training for staff to respond to signs of radicalisation in students.

According to the government’s Extremism Analysis Unit, at least 70 events featuring hate speakers occurred on campuses last year. Queen Mary, King’s College, SOAS and Kingston University held most events.

HEFCE, which will carry out the monitoring, will assess the policies put in place by universities, and receive annual reports. Assessment of the procedures will be done in five-yearly cycles.

Student Unions, which are not subject to the Prevent strategy, are expected to co-operate with their universities over new procedures.

The Union of Jewish Students has previously called for tighter regulations on speakers. In September the UJS said: "We understand the concerns of some in the student movement but also need to ensure that there are rules in place where hate speakers do not have free rein at our institutions."

Another Prevent guideline calls for pastoral and chaplaincy support for all students.