The Jewish Chronicle

Union of Jewish Students video campaign challenges stereotypes

November 2, 2015 11:00
UJS campaign   freeze frame from YouTube

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

A video campaign challenging Jewish stereotypes has been launched by the Union of Jewish Students.

Four short videos follow the stories of Grace, Ed, Catherine and Alyson, and seek to demonstrate how diverse Jewish life can be.

The campaign, called #LABELFREE #andJewish will run throughout the week, with UJS posting videos and blogs each day on their website.

A UJS spokesperson said: “UJS have created #LABELFREE #andJewish to showcase the diversity of Jews and Judaism and challenge stereotypes and pre-conceptions about Jews.”

Transgender performance artist Grace Oni Smith says in her clip: “Performing became something really essential to me as a transwoman because that’s what gave me the strength to be proud of the things that make me who I am.”

In another clip, University Royal Naval Unit officer Edward Harris said some of his family were “shocked” by his choice to join the Armed Forces.

“I don’t think anyone should be restricted to a box, to accomplishing a set path in life. I feel you should branch out and take advantage of every opportunity which is offered to you.”

UJS president Hannah Brady said: “#andJewish creates a space to challenge the assumptions that others ascribe to students of faith. As individuals, our identities are complex, fluid and diverse. They rarely fit in pre-packaged boxes.

“I'm proud that UJS has developed such a powerful campaign and can be a part of a wider process in which we claim ownership of our own identities.”

Watch the #andJewish video campaign here: