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The Jewish Chronicle

UK puts UN ‘on notice’ over bias against Israel

March 30, 2017 14:23

ByDaniel Sugarman, daniel sugarman

1 min read

v Britain has said it will vote against all future UN Human Rights Council resolutions on Israel’s conduct in the occupied territories until the body ends its “disproportion and bias” against the Jewish state.

In what has been described as a “moral breakthrough”, the UK’s mission to the UN institution said in an unprecedented statement that it was putting the council “on notice” over its lack of impartiality.

On Tuesday, Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, attacked the UNHRC’s condemnation of Israeli bombing of Hizbollah positions in the Golan Heights as “a profound absurdity”.

He described the motion condemning Israel’s policy in the Golan as “preposterous…when after all in that region we have seen the most appalling barbarity by the Assad regime”.