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The Jewish Chronicle

Try being positive? How depressing

September 17, 2009 13:24

BySimon Round, Simon Round

1 min read

Hey, it’s Rosh Hashanah. A new year is on its way and, boy, is it going to be a good one. The recession is so last year, world peace is on its way and we’re all going to get really rich and save the planet in the process.

No, I have not been forgetting my medication. I know this kind of unbridled optimism makes me sound a little, er, unusual. I also realise that the only other people in the country as relentlessly optimistic about the future are Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling — and no one believes them either.

I know it’s easier to look on the dark side because, that way, you are unlikely to be disappointed. After all, we Jews have plenty to be pessimistic about: as soon as we start getting a little cocky, someone expels us from their country or pillages our village.

But perhaps we should try positivity for a change. All those self-help books tell us we can create our own reality; that the mere act of smiling makes us feel better and that those who think positively about their life are generally the ones who achieve their goals.