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The Jewish Chronicle

Time to jump to attention

August 4, 2010 13:27
Spotty playsuit, £13, Primark

ByJan Shure, Jan Shure

1 min read

Ahem, jumpsuits. You will have been reading about them intermittently since April in the glossies and the fashion pages — including this one — but have you yet seen a woman over the age of 17 (celebs in Grazia and Hello apart) actually wearing one?

No, nor me — which is a pity, because the jumpsuit is a stylish, quite grown-up option if you find the right one.

In terms of wearability, the jumpsuit has much of the effortless simplicity of a dress. You just climb into it and, voila, you look instantly pulled together. No worrying about matching top and bottom halves, or proportions.

And a well-cut one gives the illusion of a longer, leaner body.