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The Jewish Chronicle

There's a guardian angel for traders

December 10, 2012 14:28

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

3 min read

Trading just got a lot less risky, courtesy of an innovative Israeli company which helps traders make better, and more efficient, decisions in real-time.

CPattern uses a unique technology-driven methodology to analyse traders’ behaviour and then directs the trader to the strengths and weaknesses of their trading style, prolonging their lifespan as an active trader.
It does this via its Guardian Angel tool — an automated guidance system offering “red warning flags” and “green lights” to traders in real time.

Oded Shefer (right), the founder of CPattern says: “Until today, trading was very lonely — there was noone to ask for help — and traders were wandering around in the dark. Many found themselves quitting trading after a few months with negative feelings.

“There are now options for traders today; such as automatic/robot traders that will trade for you to eliminate the psychological bias, and social trading, where traders don’t have to rely on themselves but can copy traders.
“Everybody is looking at ways to win the market in this industry and make the extra money. CPattern has spent past years developing a service that instead of analysing the market, analyses the traders behaviours.”
The CPattern “Guardian Angel” looks for hidden patterns in people’s trading. “The Guardian Angel might say: ‘Six out of your past 10 trades were successful but the four losing trades lost you more money than you one.”