Jonathan Arkush
A barrister and Deputy Chancery Master at the Royal Courts of Justice, he is co-founder of Hertsmere Jewish Primary School and Yavneh College, and founder of the Student and Academic Campaign for Soviet Jewry.
Board experience:
Deputy since 1982, representing Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue, vice-chair of the international committee for three years and member of its constitution committee.
What he says:
“As British Jews, we are increasingly uncomfortable that extremist views are migrating towards the mainstream of political and public opinion. Our community needs and deserves clear and credible leadership to protect and defend its rights and put its case effectively.”
Manifesto includes:
● Promoting a more robust and visible defence of Israel.
● Working with people of other faiths to foster tolerance.
● Protecting and defending faith schools.
Paul Edlin
A dentist who was elected vice-president of the Board in 2006 and chairs its community issues division.
Board experience:
His vice-presidential brief has run from the expanded Jewish Way of Life Exhibition to defending faith schools. Helped to find money for the Board’s environmental project and represents the UK on the Claims Conference (Holocaust restitution). Deputy for Garnethill Hebrew Congregation, Glasgow.
What he says:
“I am committed to co-operation and inclusion for every section of the community and, if re-elected, I pledge to improve and enhance the Board’s leadership role and positively raise our profile.”
Manifesto includes:
● Working collaboratively with other Jewish organisations.
● Encouraging younger people to become deputies — a “matter of urgency so that the community has a credible succession policy”.
Anthony Feather
Chartered engineer and former chairman of the Filtration Society, who has run his own publishing company, he is also an author and documentary maker.
Board experience:
Has represented West London Synagogue for nine years.
What he says:
“I believe that I can bring a different set of skills and a new approach to promoting the image and work of the Board.”
Manifesto includes:
● Increasing participation by young people and women at Board.
● Encouraging “greater freedom of debate”.
● Implementing a thorough strategic analysis of the organisation.
Agnes Grunwald-Spier
Has served on South Yorkshire Police Authority, regional interfaith bodies and was a Jewish consultant to the Home Office’s Faith Communities Capacity Building Fund. A member of the NHS Herbal Medicines advisory committee and of the national review of Jewish women due to report in summer.
Board experience:
Chair of its regional assembly and one of its three representatives on the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, she has been a deputy for Sheffield’s Kingfield Synagogue for 12 years.
What she says:
“Of all the candidates for vice-president, I believe I represent the widest range of experience which can be used to the benefit of the deputies, the Board and the wider Jewish community.”
Manifesto includes:
No listed pledges but observes: “My background as a baby in the Holocaust in Budapest gives me great credibility in the interfaith and political fields.”
Clive Lewisohn
Company director, chairman of the Middlesex Branch of the Magistrates’ Association and on Lord Chancellor’s advisory committee.
Board experience:
Treasurer for the past six years who has overseen an annual surplus and “an improvement in its financial health”, he has represented Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue for the past nine years.
What he says:
“I am opposed to diversion of our resources to create roles for other organisations who may usurp the work of the Board of Deputies. I believe that there is a conflict of interest with the Jewish Leadership Council in this respect.”
Manifesto includes:
● Working constructively with all organisations that “share our ideals and are prepared to enhance our role”.
● Continuing to press for the Board to be “the voice of the Jewish community in Britain”.
Presidential candidates Jerry Lewis and Vivian Wineman are also standing for the vice-presidency positions