Yad Vashem chair Dani Dayan has been appointed to the role of chair in a year that coincides with the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
By Jacob Jaffa
The survey discovered a decline in Holocaust education among young people in the nations most directly affected by the atrocities
By JC Reporter
The memorial was first proposed in 2015
By Daniel Ben-David
Generations 2 Generations encourages descendants of survivors and refugees to tell the stories of their ancestors
Diane Samuels’ latest drama tells the story of Miriam Freedman, who learned how to live with the loss of her family members in Holocaust
By John Nathan
The Hollywood actor declared: 'Hatred you never ever win; love in the end always wins'
By Richard Percival
Timely reflections on the Jewish condition are unsettlingly relevant to our own times
By Mark Glanville
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Dr Kurt Erich Glauber has been honoured with a memorial stone at Ipswich Old Cemetery
By Gaby Wine
By Keren David
Can a Jewish genealogy expert help me find my Polish great aunt?
The Hollywood actor is being honoured for his longtime advocacy 'against antisemitism and bigotry'
While allegations of misconduct at the Arolsen Archives are investigated, we should not lose sight of the great work that continues to be done there
By Toby Simpson
Investigation ordered into the number of Jewish people killed during the Nazi occupation of Alderney
By Felix Pope
The climate change protest group have been accused of 'minimising the Holocaust'
Lawyer representing employees wrote to German culture minister claiming there was a 'toxic working atmosphere' at records centre
By Dan Stone
Diplomat Meryl Frank spent years tracing the wartime fate of her Lithuanian relative. But the truth was sitting on her bookshelf
By Jenni Frazer
Forever one of 'The Boys', the Olympic weightlifter who survived Buchenwald and favoured reconciliation between nations
By Gloria Tessler