Josep Borell was accused by an Israeli official of supporting the ‘Iranian axis of evil’
By JC Reporter
Ambassador Dennis Ross told the JC that this was evidence that the PA is adopting the ideas and rhetoric of Hamas in a bid for domestic relevance
By Jane Prinsley
TV star was accused of making inappropriate comparisons with Nazi atrocities
Pressure mounts on Western nations to ban Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
G7 foreign ministers: Israeli settlements are ‘inconsistent with international law’
By Lorin Bell-Cross
French President Emmanuel Macron called snap parliamentary elections after finishing second in a European vote to Marine Le Pen
By Felix Pope
Katharina von Schnurbein said she was concerned about the rising tide of antisemitism in Europe and made an urgent call for action
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The decision on Wednesday morning prompted Israel to withdraw ambassadors from Norway and Ireland
By Eliana Jordan
Joseph Borrell accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war during European Humanitarian Forum in Brussels
By Rafael Behr
To make matters worse, the dark heart of the issue is the guilt, shame and denial that defines Europe’s relationship with the country for a people who were not safe in the place they lived
The bloc had initially announced it was suspending all aid
Human rights court urged to re-examine cases involving Jews after Bostjan Zupancic was found to have shared extremist material online
By David Rose
A study of european Jewry did not find evidence of a mass exodus outside those two countries
By Simon Rocker
The pair remain in custody
Josep Borrell equated Palestinian terror attacks with counterterror operations undertaken by the Israel Defense Forces