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The Jewish Chronicle


BBC1, Monday November 24

November 27, 2008 11:16

BySimon Round, Simon Round

2 min read

BBC1, Monday November 24

I always felt I had missed the boat with Spooks. The BBC is half-way through series seven and I had never watched a single episode.

Then I read in the Radio Times that this week's episode would depict high-level Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in London which, I realised with trepidation, meant I was contractually obliged to tune in.
I say "trepidation" because I have never really recovered from the trauma of watching Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy back in the 1970s. There was Alec Guinness, all taciturn and anachronistic as George Smiley; there was a mole; there was a Russian agent called Karla who was Smiley's nemesis; there was a lot of erudite, cynical dialogue and it was superb. The only thing was, I had no idea what was happening or whose side anyone was on. It was a little like watching Chelsea v Manchester United with half the Chelsea players playing in red , half the United players playing in blue and the managers working to sabotage their own defences, and then Sir Alex Ferguson turning out to have been with Liverpool all along.

At the start of Spooks, I got the same old sinking feeling. There were oblique references to "Sugarhorse" and double agents in Moscow. However, within a few minutes I realised with a sigh of relief that the spy genre had dumbed down sufficiently for me to understand what was going on.