
Travel Health and Safety for Jewish Families

When heading abroad for work or vacation, Jewish families often face unique challenges.

December 20, 2023 09:06
2 min read

Whilst tensions and violence is on the rise recently, another less talked about challenge lies in maintaining health and safety.

Whether it’s a family vacation, a pilgrimage, or visiting relatives, ensuring access to reliable healthcare and adhering to religious customs like kosher dietary laws are paramount. This article looks at the key considerations for Jewish families to maintain their well-being while travelling.

The Importance of 24/7 Healthcare

One of the key concerns for any traveller is access to healthcare, especially in case of emergencies. For Jewish families, this means finding healthcare services that are available round the clock, regardless of where they are. Emergencies don't adhere to a schedule, and having access to medical care at any hour is crucial.

This is particularly important during Jewish holidays when many local services might be closed, depending on where you are. A 24/7 healthcare service like Excelan Clinic is a good example of how you can ensure that in the event of an unexpected illness or injury, you have the guarantee of timely medical attention. Peace of mind during your travels is important to keeping the journey low-stress.

Integrating Modern Medicine with Jewish Traditions

Another aspect of travelling for Jewish families involves ensuring that their religious practices, particularly dietary laws, are respected. For example, the kosher diet is a fundamental part of Jewish life, and it inevitably becomes more challenging while travelling. Many countries have never even heard of a kosher diet, let alone are prepared to service it.

While this is a general concern, it becomes surprisingly tricky in the healthcare world. It’s wise to seek out healthcare providers ahead of time who understand and respect these dietary requirements, especially in situations where hospitalization or medical care is needed. Otherwise, if an emergency happens and you use local services, it may be too late to request a personalised service.

This respect for dietary customs goes beyond just providing kosher food; it's about understanding the cultural and religious nuances that are an integral part of the patient’s wellbeing.

Personalised Healthcare That Aligns with Jewish Values

As touched on, personalised healthcare becomes another useful tool. The concept of Bikkur Cholim, visiting the sick, underscores the value placed on personal care and attention in times of illness.

Personalised healthcare resonates deeply with this value, emphasizing the importance of healthcare services that cater to individual needs and circumstances. This includes having healthcare professionals who are sensitive to the religious and cultural backgrounds of their patients. Such personalised attention not only aids in better healthcare outcomes but also ensures that the patients feel respected and valued.

So, for Jewish families travelling abroad, health and safety are of utmost importance. While it may sound unlikely or extreme, preparing for personalised healthcare access should be no different to taking out healthcare insurance. By planning ahead with these considerations, families can enjoy their travels with the reassurance that their health, safety, and religious customs are well taken care of.