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Strong strategy for the peri/menopause

March 22, 2024 14:22
Anna Schuchman (left) and Charlotte Wikler from Ace Lifestyle

With life expectancy higher than ever, women are living well beyond their menopause, so it has never been more important to ensure you’re staying fit, strong and healthy. Some women will sail through symptom-free, while others may experience a wide range of debilitating symptoms that can have a negative effect on their daily life. Some symptoms can be managed with HRT (hormone replacement therapy), but it is vital to look at your lifestyle as a whole to find ways to reduce and manage important factors such as stress and lack of sleep. Focusing on your exercise routine and diet will help you to improve your peri/menopause symptoms and maintain a high quality of life.

Exercise can help manage symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and stiff joints, and help prevent the onset of metabolic diseases such as obesity, coronary heart disease and type two diabetes. It’s also vital for muscle and bone health. From the age of 30, we lose muscle mass by a rate of 3-8 per cent per decade and this happens more rapidly after the age of 60. This loss of muscle can contribute to all sorts of age-related issues and disabilities in older people, as the risk of injury increases and their strength and balance decreases.

Having lower levels of oestrogen increases our risk of osteoporosis (thinning bones). Performing weight-bearing exercises such as weight training, walking and dancing can all help with preventing loss of bone mass.

What if you don’t already exercise?

