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Our ‘rucksack’ of emotions

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery, I stumbled upon a captivating notion that our suppressed emotions possess the ability to magnetise circumstances and individuals into our lives.

June 23, 2023 08:43
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silhouette of a person sitting meditating on the rock on the coast at sunset
2 min read

While initially radical, this concept resonated deeply with me. This article explores the theory that hidden emotions, left unaddressed, influence our experiences subtly yet significantly, attracting different circumstances and people into our lives for the purpose of inner healing. By allowing these emotions to flow into our conscious awareness and sitting with them, we can begin the process of letting go.

The influence of suppressed emotions

According to the theory, emotions we do not confront become buried in our unconscious, operating beneath our awareness. Consequently, they exert a pervasive influence on our lives, contributing to struggles, challenges and discontentment. They influence our perception of the world and even our health. Furthermore, they affect our ability to communicate lovingly with those around us and even affect the decisions we make in our businesses. We keep adding to our rucksack of emotions daily without being aware that we are doing so. In doing so, we become unhappier and less able to cope.

To liberate ourselves, we must first acknowledge these suppressed emotions by bringing them into our conscious awareness. Two primary methods to achieve this release are introspection and using external day-to-day events as a gift to help us clear these feelings. Deep contemplation involves genuine self-reflection, honesty and understanding.

With the second method, we take the leap in understanding that we attract only people or events that resonate with our suppressed emotions; this is the knowledge that all events are happening for us and not to us. Simply put, every challenging situation is a gift in disguise because it brings that which is unconscious into the conscious realm. This happens to help us heal.

The distinction of letting go