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Money worries? Let’s work it out together

The cost of living crisis has pushed money worries to the forefront of everyone’s minds.

December 5, 2022 12:56
Emma May Work Avenue
3 min read

In a recent survey of more than 550 people by Work Avenue, a leading employment and business support organisation for the Jewish community, 85 per cent of respondents told us how the crisis is putting their household under financial pressure.

And these pressures are impacting on mental health, both in the community and the country as a whole. More than four in ten of those taking part in the survey said the crisis has had a direct negative effect on their mental wellbeing.

Money worries can cause anxiety and stress, and even embarrassment or shame, with people often feeling helpless and not knowing where to turn for advice and support.

The issues have been exacerbated by coming so soon after the Covid-19 pandemic.
For many, it does really seem like one disaster after another.