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The Jewish Chronicle

Snowy weather leaves me cold

January 8, 2020 17:32

ByDaniel Sugarman, Daniel Sugarman

3 min read

I’ve always felt that, apart from birthdays, there were two clear ways to mark the point of becoming an adult.

The first is when you stop being excited at receiving post. When you’re young it’s all “Ooh, a letter! For me? Is it a gift?” Once you pass a certain age, it’s just “Great, another bill.”

The second is when you stop feeling excitement at a forecast of snow.

No, I don’t want to build a snowman. No, I don’t want to throw snowballs at people (a very odd thing to do, when you think about it. Do we go to the beach and throw sand balls at each other?) I want to stay inside with an inexhaustible supply of hot chocolate and wait until the last speck of white has vanished from the ground. I have never, ever understood people who voluntarily go off on skiing holidays. Why do they hate warmth and comfort?