The Jewish Chronicle

Sixth-formers get taste of university life

November 1, 2015 11:08
Group of international students, September 1963

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

A group of sixth-formers got the chance to quiz Jewish students and take part in a Jewish Society Friday night dinner at Oxford University.

As part of a weekend organised by Jeneration, the student arm of the Movement for Reform Judaism, the school pupils from London and Cambridge attended an egalitarian minyan and the JSoc Shabbat dinner, and asked a panel of students questions about university life.

Sixth-former Amitai Landau Pope, 17, said: “It was inspirational and gave me an insight into Jewish and university life.”

Anna Sayers, 17, said: “I enjoyed meeting the students and understanding their perspective to Judaism in a university.”

During the weekend the group also got a chance to explore the city and see a play at Oxford Playhouse.

Jeneration Fieldworker Sophie Lipton, who organised the trip, said: “The aim is to engage sixth- formers with university, from a Jewish but also academic perspective. From meeting Jewish students on our student panel to exploring Oxford as a city, Jeneration and RSY Netzer aim to make sixth-formers feel more confident about their next steps of their journey by gaining an insight into the life of an undergraduate. It’s an opportunity to get a taste for uni life.”