JC On Campus – the only dedicated weekly Jewish student page in the country – is your chance to have your voice heard. Tell us your views on the key issues affecting your campuses.
Give your parents and grandparents something to kvell over around the Friday night dinner table – send us your campus pictures from big nights out, charity events and JSoc parties – and see your face in the JC.
If you're an aspiring photographer or film-maker take pictures and clips on your campus and have them published here or online. We'll be posting picture galleries and videos of events ranging from parties in the succah to bar crawls and football matches. Email campus@thejc.com to get involved.
New this term is our Campus Comment section on www.thejc.com. It's your chance to see your words published. Whether you're a budding journalist, a political thinker or simply have an idea you want to share, send in opinion pieces of 500 to 800 words on topics of interest to Jewish students and young people.
We will also be introducing an Ask the Chaplain column, giving you the chance to seek the advice of some of the hardest-working people on our campuses – the chaplaincy couples who devote their lives to helping Jewish students settle away from home.
Become friends with JC On Campus on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter (@JCOnCampus).