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The Jewish Chronicle

Recycling — it’s all in the Torah

July 5, 2012 11:57

ByJessica Elgot, Jessica Elgot

1 min read

Recycling, green energy and conserving water have their roots in Jewish, Muslim and Christian texts, according to a new book.

Rabbi Natan Levy — social action consultant to the Board of Deputies — contributed the Jewish chapters to Sharing Eden, a Conservation Foundation project.

Other contributors were David Shreeve, the foundation’s director and environmental adviser to the Archbishops’ Council, and Harfiyah Haleem, an expert on Islam and the environment.

Rabbi Levy traces Jewish thought on the environment back to Adam entering the Garden of Eden “confronted with the task of sustainability... Do not let the world remain barren, do not accept brokenness. That is the message that God wished to impress upon Adam, and through him to all of humanity.”