
Super quick and easy one bowl challah

The perfect recipe for short-on-time novice challah bakers

November 28, 2024 14:21
Photo: Badannie Gee
2 min read

This is a pretty foolproof and delicious recipe that even the beginners out there can crack. Feel the dough between your fingers, take some deep breaths and enjoy the workout. It really is a workout for the body and the soul.

We’re all so busy these days, rushing around trying to get everything done.  Our “to-do” lists seem to get increasingly longer and all the technology on offer just seems to add more stress. I truly feel that making challah is one of the most ancient forms of meditation that we have been gifted with.

An opportunity to work slowly and intently to create something beautiful and delicious to sustain our loved ones. There are hundreds of challah recipes out there, but I thought, for the sake of appealing to all of us rushing around, I would share with you the quickest and simplest method that doesn’t require too many stages but still enables us to engage with our patient inner selves as we wait for the dough to rise.

Shabbat Shalom.


  • In a large bowl combine 850g flour and salt. Add the sugar and sprinkle the yeast over the top.
  • Make a well in the mixture and pour in the oil. Pour the warm water over the whole mixture and mix with a large metal spoon until the ingredients are all combined.
  • Add the extra 150g flour slowly using only enough to ensure the mixture is coming together. You can always add flour but you can’t take it away.
  • Now mix with your hands and bring the mixture together.
  • Tip the mix onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 10- 15 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Use the heel of your hand to push the dough away and pull towards you. You’re not kneading with your fingertips, you’re kneading with the base of your hand and focussing on your intention and love.
  • Once the dough feels smooth and warm, shape the dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with a clean cloth and place somewhere warm.
  • Leave to rise for at least 60-90 mins until it has doubled in size.
  • Line a rectangular oven tray with baking paper.
  • Punch the air out of the dough once and tip back onto the work surface where you’ll knead it again for 5 mins.
  • Halve your dough and then divide each half into three equal pieces. Roll out into 3 long sausages and plait like you would braid hair. Brush with egg. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look like a beauty queen at this stage, it will all come together.
  • Leave to rise again for at least 40 minutes and preheat your oven to 180°C.
  • Brush again with egg and add seeds (optional.)
  • Bake for about 35 minutes until your loaf is nicely tanned with a crisp bottom. You should be able to knock on the bottom of the loaf. The cooking time is short so make sure you’re close to keep checking the colour of your bread.

Instagram: pipeddreamsbakery


1kg strong bread flour (plus a bit of extra flour for dusting worktop will be needed)

14g dried instant, quick rise yeast

100g caster sugar

450ml very warm water (baby bath temperature)

100ml sunflower or olive oil plus extra to oil the bowl

20g salt

1 egg, beaten, to glaze

Sesame seeds or poppy seeds - optional