
Recipe: Mixed mushroom soup

November 24, 2016 23:09
17012014 soup

Byfabienne viner luzzato, Fabienne Viner Luzzato

1 min read

You can use and mix any type of mushrooms to create this tasty soup.

Serves: 6
Preparation: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes in a pressure cooker, 45 in a pan

● 350g mushrooms (cup, chestnuts or forestiere)
● 4 medium-sized potatoes
● 1 onion
● 1.5 litre vegetable stock
● Olive oil

To serve:
● 150g chestnut mushrooms diced into small pieces
● A dash of single cream, crème fraîche or pareve cream
● 15g flat parsley, finely chopped

● Peel the potatoes and quarter them.
● Wash the 350g of mushrooms and cut them in half.
● Slice the onion and put it in a pressure cooker or a large saucepan with 4-6 tablespoons of olive oil and sauté until it is golden brown.
● Add the vegetable stock, turn heat up and bring to the boil.
● Add the halved mushrooms and potatoes and cook in a pressure cooker for 10-15 minutes or at medium temperature for 30 minutes in a traditional saucepan on a hob.
● Use a slotted spoon to transfer the vegetables and some of the stock to a blender.
● The soup should be a velvety texture - not too thick, not too liquid. Add the stock gradually so as not to thin it too much.
● To serve: dice the remaining 150g of mushrooms and sprinkle them over the soup with the parsley and a bit of cream.