
Recipe: Megan Gilmore's strawberry lime sorbet

November 24, 2016 23:30
Sorbet (Photo: Nicole Franzen)

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

You are just minutes away from enjoying a refreshing sorbet that tastes just as delicious as one you would find at an ice-cream shop.

Frozen strawberries, whose red flesh contains a compound that may help promote fat loss and boost short-term memory, are the key to this delectable treat, as they provide a slushy, sorbet-like texture when puréed. No need for an ice-cream maker!

Once you get the hang of it, feel free to use any other frozen fruit you like for an endless number of flavour possibilities.

Serves: 4-6

450g frozen strawberries
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
75g maple syrup
60ml water, or more as needed to facilitate blending

● Combine all the ingredients in a large food processor fitted with an "S" blade.

● Process until the strawberries are completely broken down, which may take several minutes, creating a smooth and thick consistency similar to sorbet.

● Add more water, if needed, to achieve this smooth texture, and then serve immediately.

● Leftovers can be stored in a sealed container in the freezer, but they will become rock hard when frozen.

● To serve at a later date, remove from the freezer and thaw for 20 to 30 minutes, until the sorbet can be stirred and restored to its original texture.