
Recipe: Chicken burgers with fresh sage

Makes four burgers

April 1, 2010 10:23
030410 Chicken Burger with Potato Gratin

ByAnnabel Karmel, Annabel Karmel

1 min read

Passover brings back memories of holidaying in France and coming down to a buffet breakfast laden with croissants and pastries while clutching my box of matzah. However, if you are staying at home, you can turn breakfast into a treat by making Matzah Brei.

All you will need is four pieces of matzah, 125ml water, four eggs, salt and pepper, 50g butter and two tbsp of kosher for Passover vegetable oil. In a bowl, break the matzah into bite-sized pieces. Bring the water to the boil and pour over the matzah. Quickly toss the matzah and then drain. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a little salt and pepper, add the matzah. Melt the butter and oil in a large pan, fry the matzah - probably in two batches - on both sides until slightly crisp. Serve with maple syrup.

Below is another delicious, quick and easy recipe for chicken burgers with fresh sage that the whole family can enjoy. Using fresh herbs makes all the difference to the flavour and the mix of thigh and breast meat keeps them lovely and moist.

Makes four burgers. Suitable for freezing

● 1 tbsp light olive oil
● 30g diced onion
● 1g garlic, chopped 1 small clove garlic, chopped
● 225g minced chicken (mix of breast and thigh meat)
● 4 to 5 fresh sage leaves, chopped
● 45g grated apple
● 20g matzah meal
● A little salt and freshly ground black pepper

● Heat the olive oil in a small pan and saute the onion and garlic for about 2 minutes.
● Allow to cool.
● In a bowl, mix the minced chicken with the fresh sage, grated apple, matzah meal, cooled sautéed onion and season to taste.
● Pre-heat the oven to 200°C / 400°F.
● Using your hands, form into four burgers.
● Heat a little oil in a frying pan and sear them for 2 minutes each side.
● Place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes, turning halfway through.