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Marinated strawberries in a shortbread tart

October 7, 2014 14:35
07102014 PAU020 pascal gbcs david griffen photography 1644 6970 01

Bypaul aussignac, Paul Aussignac

1 min read

This gorgeous strawberry tart recipe makes a great treat. The shortbread pastry is easy to make, but it does require 2 hours of resting time, so plan ahead. Pascal Aussignac calls for the strawberries to be marinated in rosé wine, adding a memorable flavour to the tart.

Serves: 4
Preparation: 30 minutes plus 2 hours chilling
Cooking: 25 minutes


For the shortbread crust:
● 125g butter
● 60g icing sugar
● 1 egg yolk
● 125g plain flour, plus more for dusting
● 75g ground almonds
● 1/2 tsp baking powder
● 1 pinch of salt
● 3 sprigs of lemon thyme,
leaves picked