
Fish banatages

Serves thirty

April 7, 2016 11:24
07042016 IMG 0242a021 1

Byfabienne viner luzzato, Fabienne Viner Luzzato

1 min read

Serves: 30
Preparation: 1 hour
Cooking: 50 minutes


● 2kg potatoes, peeled
● 30g margarine
● 600g minced fish (salmon is good or tuna)
● 1 large onion, finely chopped
● 30g flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
● 1½ tbsp ground turmeric
● 1½ tbsp sweet paprika
● 1 tbsp harissa
● 4 hardboiled eggs, shelled and chopped
● 6 raw eggs
● 1 litre sunflower oil for frying
● Medium matzah meal

For the dipping sauce
● 1 tbsp harissa
● Juice of 1 lemon
● 2–3 tbsp olive oil
● 25g parsley, roughly chopped
● Salt
● Utensils needed (optional)
● A sushi mat
● A medium freezer bag


● Boil the potatoes for 25 – 30 minutes until soft enough to purée. Mash them while they are hot and add the margarine. Stir well and season with salt and pepper. Leave to cool.

● Heat 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil in a pan over a high heat. Add the fish, onion and parsley and cook for about 5 minutes, until the fish is cooked. Add the spices and harissa, season and mix well.

● Form the banatages with your hands or with a sushi mat. If using the mat, first cover it with a medium freezer bag and seal it. This helps to stop the potato sticking. Spread the bottom two-thirds of the mat with potato purée (3mm thick); top with some fish, then chopped egg.

● Use the mat to roll the potato into a cylinder around the other ingredients. Cut the sausage into logs about 2cm wide. Form each one into an oval-shaped ball covering all the fish mixture with the potato - you will need a bit of extra mash for the sides.

● When you have rolled all the balls, beat the raw eggs in a bowl, dip each potato/fish ball in the egg and then in the matzah meal.

● Heat the oil to 180°C and deep fry the banatages in small batches for 2 – 3 minutes per side until golden on the outside. Drain them on a plate covered with kitchen towel to absorb the oil.

● Serve warm or at room temperature with the dipping sauce. You can reheat them in a 180°C oven for 15 minutes.

● To make the sauce mix the harissa, lemon juice and olive oil and stir in the parsley. Season with the salt to taste. Serve with the banatages.

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