The Jewish Chronicle

Rabbi Mendel Jacobs

April 3, 2008 23:00

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Shul in the Park, Glasgow

Rabbi Jacobs has been with the independent Orthodox congregation since its inception seven years ago. He studied in Manchester and America, receiving his semichah from Yeshivah Toras Emes in Monsey, New York, in 2002. His wife Tzirl teaches at the Glasgow Lubavitch cheder and at his shul’s adult-learning classes for women. She is also an artist, specialising in portraits. They have a one-year-old son.

Tell us about a typical week at the synagogue
A typical week is a very busy one. I make sure there is a good minyan at all our services and try to expand these numbers. We started with a Shabbat-morning service struggling to secure a minyan and we now have seven services each week. I keep in touch with and visit members both at home and in hospitals. We run a weekly discussion group and I am kept busy teaching and holding programmes for pre- and post-barmitzvah boys.

Tell us what you like most about your role
I enjoy great variety in my work, which allows me to meet and help different types of people, not just in Glasgow but throughout Scotland. I am also employed with Lubavitch of Scotland and have for a number of years been involved in contacting Jewish people all over Scotland and bringing them into the Jewish community.

What do you do in your spare time?
I play the piano and listen to different types of music. It’s enjoyable spending as much time as possible with my wife and son.

Tell us how you define your Judaism
My Judaism is a warm and engaging one and I try to occupy myself in faithfulness with the needs of the community.