South Hampshire Reform Community
As well as her South Hampshire role, Rabbi Amswych is associate minister of Bournemouth Reform Synagogue and community development rabbi for the Reform Movement. Her husband Neil is rabbi of the Bournemouth congregation and they have a Cavalier King Charles spaniel called Parker. She was ordained at Leo Baeck College last July
Tell us about a typical week at the synagogue
There is no typical week and that what makes my job so interesting and challenging. However, it involves providing support for provincial communities in the South-West. I occasionally travel to these communities to teach and take services. It can also entail taking services or planning an event for a festival — sometimes for two or more communities — adult education, chaplaincy and interfaith work and addressing the pastoral needs of my congregants.
Tell us what you like most about your role
I love being part of people’s lives and helping them through good times and bad. I particularly like helping people to consciously explore their spirituality and to discover what motivates them to live their lives in a holy way and find their individual connection between themselves, God and the world.
What do you do in your spare time?
While living in New York I was a professional dancer and I still love the medium. I have used dance previously in Jewish environments and have run very powerful sessions to explore Torah text through dance and movement. I love cooking and food can be very spiritual. I am also really interested in British culture and the environment so we like to go on day trips to castles and explore more about British history. I enjoy taking our dog Parker for walks along the Dorset coastline.
Tell us how you define your Judaism
My Judaism is a spiritual, thoughtful, communal, powerful, inspirational, ethical, blueprint for life and path with God.