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The Jewish Chronicle

Player profile: Alex Gilbert

Hendon United A

November 19, 2009 17:21
Player Profille

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Age: 30 Lives: Whetstone
Occupation: Venture Capital
Nickname: AG, Gilberto, Jeelbear, the list goes on ...
Teams: Hendon (and Arsenal from Celebrity Showbiz Soccer)
Position: Right back
Previous clubs: Oakwood and Stonegrove
Status: Married
Likes: Moose, Serial Killers, Atheism
Dislikes: Selfishness, Reality TV, The Labour Party
Idols: Patrick Vieira, David Wolff
Best Player Played with: Jewish - Guy Hamou, Non-Jewish: I played in a 6th form friendly with Arsenal’s youth team and they were outrageous
Famous lookalike: Luis Figo
Favourite grounds: Highbury and The Mestalla, Valencia
Favourite food: Fish steaks
Favourite kosher restaurant: Met Su Yan
Favourite holiday destination: New Zealand
Favourite films: Usual Suspects / Rashomon
Favourite car: Audi R8
Actual car: VW Golf
Big match preparation: Dropping the kids off at the pool
Dream date: Emma Bear
Most memorable highlights: Winner in extra time of ’95 National Final and being Danny Caro’s 2009 right back of the Year
Most embarrassing moment: Finding my wife in bed with Luis Figo!
Claim to fame: Starred in McDonalds ad aged 10
Biggest regret: Not signing Danny Caro for Oakwood
Motto: Victoria Concordia Crescit (victory grows out of harmony)
Studs or blades? Blades
Bagels or rye bread? Bagels
Shwarma or falafel? Shwarma