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You have to question the calibre of Charedi leadership

'Don’t expect to see revolution in the sacred square mile just yet,' says Simon Rocker

February 4, 2021 10:16
2 min read

The raid on the illegal wedding at Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School two weeks ago was the third time in less than three months that police have slapped a £10,000 fine on the organisers of a Jewish celebration in Stamford Hill.

In the previous two instances — a wedding with more than triple the number of guests than the permitted maximum and a “large party” at a shul over Shabbat — the police did not even identify the venue as Jewish in their report, let alone name it. But this time was different.

When video footage of officers swooping on the school as if about to make a major drugs bust went viral, Stamford Hill found itself the centre of unwelcome scrutiny.

In a hastily convened virtual meeting with Chaedi representatives of last Thursday, the Faith Minister Lord Greenhalgh warned that such egregious breaches of lockdown rules must not recur.