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Marcus Dysch

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch


Yes, the BNP should be allowed on Question Time

September 7, 2009 11:00
2 min read

So the BBC is going to let Nick Griffin on Question Time. Quite right too.

The decision was met first with shock and a flat ‘we won’t appear alongside him’ from the three main political parties, but then with a more realistic approach.

And that is the right one to take. The response should be: let Griffin on, and show him up for what he is.

From my experiences (dating back to a brief interview with two skinheads after counting was completed in Sheffield for the 2005 General Election), the majority of BNP members happily chatter away about how they have changed and how the party’s views are those held by ‘normal’, ‘right thinking’ people around Britain.