
Yasmin's got lots of Jewish friends, so that's ok.

November 24, 2016 22:47
2 min read

I've not posted yet on one aspect of the David Abrahams affair: the 'it's a Jewish conspiracy/it's Mossad' innuendos (and even outright accusations) which have been flying around. The worst - by far - was a front page Telegraph report worthy of Der Sturmer, which showed the former Israeli Ambassador shaking hands with David Abrahams and alleged:Fears are growing within the party that David Abrahams, who hid his identity by using four intermediaries, may himself have been a conduit for another mystery benefactor, after senior Labour figures questioned his personal wealth. Melanie Phillips has dealt with this, as has Martin Bright:
The 'mystery benefactor' turns out to be our old friend, global Zion.I'm not going to link to any of the many blogs that have been touting this vicious nonsense, but I will name the repellent MPACUK -- a British Islamist website -- as one of the worst, so take a look if you want to be appalled by how readily some will still turn to anti-Semitism as a default postion.

It's amazing isn't it? In the case of the craziest 9/11 theory, the Jews conspired to get themselves out of trouble; in this bonkers plot they appear to have conspired to get themselves into trouble. Today, though,our old friend the Yazzmonster has been up to her usual tricks, playing the holier-than-thou card whilst in reality peddling vicious smears.

Even in her intro - some of her best friends are Jews, you know - she's at it, decrying how she's had to weigh up whether or not to reveal the truth lest she face "the wrath of Moses". Ah yes, Moses, short hand for 'the Jews' (the sort of short hand, by the way, that Nazis used).

Brave heroine of truth that she is, she won't be silenced by them yids:[T]hese questions will not stand aside or lie down. They have been bothering me since the Labour party donor row broke last week. And the truth is?
David Abrahams, the strange shape-shifter at the centre of the funding furore, was once Mr Big in LFI; so is John Mendelsohn, the smart fundraiser picked by Gordon Brown to garner "election resources" to finance the next Labour win. Lord Levy is also a key member of LFI.

Bingo! They're all supporters of Israel. And we know what that means don't we? They're up to no good: We witnessed the tortuous police investigation into the peer's affairs during the cash for honours investigations, but not once was there any scrutiny of Levy's connection to LFI and how that might have led to the offer of his prestigious position as the Middle East envoy, handed to him by his tennis partner, Tony Blair.

Well done, Yasmin. Good to know that you have evidence of the real crimes which the Jewish Lord Levy - that's Lord Levy THE JEW in case you'd not noticed from her piece - is guilty of and which the police didn't find and which the CPS was unaware of.

BTW, nifty use there in the same sentence of two of the oldest tropes of the lot. Abrahams is "a strange shape-shifter" (the Jew as the rootless cosmopolitan) and also a "Mr Big" (they run the world, even if, er, Yasmin, you've simply made up the idea of Abrahams being the power either in front of or behind the throne at LFI because it suited you.)

Pretty great, eh? We're not even two pars in to the piece and we've got accusations, innuendos, Jewish conspiracies and two of the oldest antisemitic tropes in existence.

Don't bother with the rest of it, because it made me feel slightly sick and it'll probably have the same effect on you. Unless, that is, you enjoy reading ignorant peddlers of the oldest antisemitic caricatures.

Then again, I would say that because I'm a yid too. Isn't that right, Yasmin?