Long standing readers will be aware of my contempt for the Yazzmonster. I haven't mentioned her witterings of late because I have grown bored by her monstrous ego and jaw dropping stupdity. Shooting fish in a barrel can grow dull.
But her piece today is so utterly vile that I feel I have to give her what was once called the oxygen of publicity, if only so that those of you who see and hear her when she pops up on the airwaves are aware of the sort of person she is.
Her piece is one long tirade of bigotry, based on the assertion that the recent revival in Conservative fortunes means that:
Anyone not of the left, in other words, is a piece of sh*t.
Then this:
Local election results show the country lurching right, in some parts even embracing the BNP. Instead of condemning the scum, Britons are instructed to "understand" why these voters are "driven" to vote for neo-Nazis. We are simultaneously warned to show no such understanding of young Muslims who are seduced by hate-filled Imams.
When? Where? By whom? Come on Ms Alibhai-Brown: name the names. If you can provide a single example of anyone remotely civilised - not the BNP, in other words - who has ever 'warned' or even said that we should not understand why young Muslims are so seduced, I will apologise to you. But I won't because you can't, because no one concerned with the defence of Western civilisation would be so stupid as to say or think such a thing. It is imperative to understand their mindset and the allure of Islamism. Like almost everything else you say and write, you toss off assertions with not the slightest basis in fact.
There follows the usual drivel about anyone who dares not to swallow her brand of 'progressive' views. But this paragraph is so odious that its publication ought forever to bar her from what was once known as polite society:
Almost more depressing is the sight of black and Asian Britons following the wind blowing the Tories to victory. Boris has recruited Afro Caribbean "leaders" who believe in physical chastisement and smart young Asians who deny the existence of racism and want an end to political correctness. The more old-fashioned Uncle Toms and their female equivalents are now expediently making themselves known to the Tories and right-wing think tanks.
To refer to non-whites who do not share her views and who want to work with Boris Johnson to create a better London as 'Uncle Toms' is simply shocking. And, of course, disgustingly racist. To Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, the colour of one's skin really does determine one's entirte make up, and non-whites cannot be allowed to hold views other than her own tired, wrong-headed, oppositional, antagonistic, tawdry, bile.
You are disgrace, woman.