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Would Jonah Hill have saved Kanye West if his name was still Feldstein?

The fact that so many in Hollywood still de-Jew their names shows there's a limit to our acceptance

March 28, 2023 16:20
2 min read

Kanye West — yes, him again — made an exciting announcement last weekend: he will no longer rant dementedly about Jewish people. Now, I know some JC readers disagreed with me when I wrote here a few months ago that it seemed to me that West’s problem was more that he is extremely mentally ill rather than antisemitic, but his latest revelation of what cured him of his anti-Jew feelings bolsters my argument quite significantly. West claims he is no longer antisemitic because of … 21 Jump Street.

And more specifically, because of the star of that film: “Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street made me like Jewish people again,” West announced on Instagram.

Now, antisemitism is never a laughing matter, of course, but I must confess to JC readers that, on reading that, I laughed quite a lot. And then I had a little think about Hill, the unlikely saviour of the Jewish people.

As it happens, I’ve interviewed Hill — not for 21 Jump Street, but its sequel, called — of course —  22 Jump Street. I wouldn’t say I was exactly a Hill megafan, but I’d always enjoyed his acting and so, without thinking too much about it, I asked him, why he changed his surname from Feldstein to Hill.