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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Woe is Brown

April 30, 2008 24:00
1 min read

I've almost started to feel sorry for Gordon Brown. The poor man just doesn't get it. He was being interviewed by Nicky Campbell this morning on Five Live (amazing - he didn't run away!) and it sounded, as John Piennar put it afterwards, as if the presenter was having an argument with a tuba.

For his first question, Campbell asked Brown what his first thought was when he woke up today. How's my son? I need a coffee? Nope. The Prime Minister launched into an interminable drone about housing policy with his usual machine gun-like delivery.

In the run-up to his becoming PM, I wrote that not only was he not up to the job - I have long though he is the most over-rated political figure in living memory - he was also unelectable. When his poll ratings went through the roof, I was pilloried by someblogs for my stupidity. (This from Matthew Turner makes me smile.)