I've almost started to feel sorry for Gordon Brown. The poor man just doesn't get it. He was being interviewed by Nicky Campbell this morning on Five Live (amazing - he didn't run away!) and it sounded, as John Piennar put it afterwards, as if the presenter was having an argument with a tuba.
For his first question, Campbell asked Brown what his first thought was when he woke up today. How's my son? I need a coffee? Nope. The Prime Minister launched into an interminable drone about housing policy with his usual machine gun-like delivery.
In the run-up to his becoming PM, I wrote that not only was he not up to the job - I have long though he is the most over-rated political figure in living memory - he was also unelectable. When his poll ratings went through the roof, I was pilloried by someblogs for my stupidity. (This from Matthew Turner makes me smile.)
As we might discover on Friday, not only is he unelectable - so too is anyone tainted with the label Labur while he is PM.