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Why being a care worker is a suitably Jewish career

August 16, 2013 06:09
2 min read

While, in the main, I am not one for stereotypes, that age-old stereotype of “pushy” Jewish parents who want the best for their children is probably closer to the truth than many of us would like to admit.

There’s nothing wrong with having aspirations for our children to be the best they can, to achieve great heights and also be good people. However, maybe it’s time we started to think way beyond this stereotype when it comes to advice on career paths for our children.

One of the most common questions I am asked when I talk about the 1,500-strong staff team at Jewish Care is “why aren’t more of your staff Jewish?” The short answer is, they aren’t coming to us.

We estimate that between 10 and 15 per cent of our workforce is Jewish. This figure drops significantly when it comes to front-line care staff.