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When will the Royals reveal the name of the new Prince?

Jessica Weinstein thinks it's OK if they wait a bit longer

April 26, 2018 08:41
2 min read

“I wish Kate would just reveal the name!” So said my colleague as we were leaving JC HQ last night. And she’s not alone. The whole country it seems is waiting with bated breath to know whether we have an Arthur or an Albert. (I’m secretly hoping for Albert but unfortunately I don’t have the Duchess’s ear).

But my colleague’s comment took me back to the days after my baby was born. After an unexpectedly early labour my husband sent both sets of parents a picture of the exhausted but glowing new mum and her gorgeous bundle of joy. “What’s her name?” was the first response.

Although we had decided on our baby’s name almost as soon as we left the 20 week gender-reveal scan, we hadn’t revealed it to family and friends in advance. First of all, what if we changed our mind at the last second? Secondly, if someone were to turn their nose up at the name, it would be forever tainted, no matter how much we loved it. Better to present it as a fait acompli.

We had a girl, but if we had had a boy we would have waited to announce the name anyway, eight days, in accordance with Jewish custom - once he had had his bris.