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What the Times got wrong about Charedi education

Instead of listening to those who leave, why do we never consider the stories of those who stay?

February 27, 2023 16:06
3 min read

As a graduate of Hasidic boys’ school and yeshivas, my heart sank upon reading the Times weekend essay ‘Why I had to escape my Ultra-Orthodox life in London’.

Here we go again, I thought, treated to a sensational public unveiling of a Dickensian schooling experience, complete with hunger, beatings and deprivation of any true education.

Just maybe, for a change, it’s worth hearing the voice of the overwhelming majority of alumni of Charedi boys’ schools. Mine is typical.

I am proud of the education that I received. Starting out at my Talmud Torah school, I was welcomed to the Aleph Bet with pomp and ceremony on my third birthday.