
What Finkelstein didn't say

February 23, 2012 08:47
1 min read

What Finkelstein didn't say.

Having said there was no point in talking to the Israelis and they would have to be compelled to accept the law he fails to tell us how they would be compelled and who would do the compelling.He couldn't say everything in one short interview and I suspect that he had it planned to say it in the talk that was to follow,on the evening of the day of the interview.

Further the hopeless Frank Barat didn't help. Completely misunderstanding his role an an interviewer he sought( rather pathetically ) to engage the interviewee in argument rather then ask penetrative questions. Further Finkelstein is apparently co authoring a book ( with someone whose name I didn't catch )that seems orientated towards how a solution might be brought about which presumably will include addressing these questions.

Since he said that PSC/BDS were employing correct tactics I imagine that some kind of campaign, with honestly stated objectives, of boycott etc would play a part a la apartheid South Africa.

Until the book is published we are just guessing. But I found what he said very helpful. Particularly the implied point that the wider public won't support something they don't understand at the behest of those they don't feel able to trust. That is the weakness of BDS at this point in time.They just come over like the lunatic fringe of the ZF...incoherent, unclear,rabid and shiftily dishonest. So people just see a sand pit squabble that bores them, so they pass by on the other side whenever they can.

Finkelstein seems to be calling for what he feels would garner massive world wide support. That is a simple call for law enforcement, acknowledging that the existence of Israel within pre June 1967 borders is the law too. He could be right. The public like law and law enforcement.

Further,Israeli propaganda has been very effective in at least one respect.It has been very effective in confusing people. To be fair " the other side " has helped a lot in this respect. Go to any meeting on the subject, listen to any argument about it and there is one word you are guaranteed to hear, " complex ", as in " well it is a very complex issue." Just about EVERYONE thinks it is complex. And as we know complexity is the last refuge of the scoundrel. It is not complex, it is very, very simple.

Thanks Normie for reminding us of this. You have helped me a lot.

Look out for tomorrows exciting instalment " But what if........"