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We need an Interpreter

An illuminating look at Russia from the new series where genealogist Rivka Goldblatt delves into the more interesting corners of the JC Archive

November 27, 2017 10:20
2 min read

Sometimes, a misunderstanding between two people can start with just a few words. If you met your great-grandfather today, you wouldn’t even speak the same English.

Take, for example, this advertisement from The Jewish Chronicle of October 1867. It’s Autumn. The leaves are falling, the cold is growing – and remember, there isn’t any central heating

For Clothing, Maintaining, and Providing an Asylum for Aged and Decayed Tradesmen. Notice is hereby given, that there are at present VACANCIES for TWO MEN as INMATES.

In today’s English:

For giving Clothes, Care and a Roof above the heads of Old and Infirm Salesmen. We have PLACE for TWO MEN to stay at the Care Home.

So, if you are above retirement age, your great-grandparent might call you ‘aged and decayed’. Don’t start a fight, it’s just words. You don’t speak the same English.