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Alan Aziz

ByAlan Aziz, Alan Aziz


We deserve more from Amnesty

May 17, 2012 10:59
2 min read

Once upon a time, the image of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) was positive. They were seen as groups that wanted to make the world a better place by working to cure disease and end poverty and hunger, or by taking on political battles against tyrannies and dictatorships. In many cases, this was, and still is, true. But what happens when NGOs veer from this and become bodies that attack their targets in a biased, unwarranted manner?

As more countries moved toward democracy, many NGOs felt a loss of power and funding. As a result, they chose to move into new areas that they had little experience of.

Amnesty International was created in 1961 by British lawyer Peter Benenson, after he heard about the case of two Portuguese students imprisoned for raising a toast to freedom. The organisation quickly grew and became a beacon of hope for those fighting against regimes where the rule of law held no sway and innocent civilians had no rights or representation against oppressive governments. Amnesty is proud, as it should be, of the Nobel Peace Prize it was awarded in the 1977. Amnesty's campaigns, on the abolition of the death penalty or on torture, have led to historic and important achievements.

But the Amnesty of today can be accused of growing bias against democratic western countries and of one-sided reporting. In 2007, it admitted to reporting more on more open countries, arguing it focused on what it could achieve rather than on who were the worst offenders. This approach puts Israel directly and wrongly in Amnesty's firing line.