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Wake up: Orthodox teenagers are now ‘woke’

Shuls and other institutions have to find ways to accept a different generational outlook

December 30, 2021 10:33
Young woman with a raised fist protesting in the street
3 min read

Earlier this year, my friend was talking to her teenage son about racism.

“He told me to go educate myself,” she told me later. “He thinks I’m a racist!”

She related this story half laughing, half appalled because she considers herself to be the antithesis of a racist. Yet when her son looks at her, he sees someone out of touch with the values of the modern world.

I’m sure that similar conversations are taking place in families up and down the country. But this one occurred in an Orthodox family from the heart of North West London, where the children receive what is, by anyone’s standards, a fairly conservative education.