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Volunteering Wins Gold: Volume 1

August 2, 2012 16:06
2 min read

Hello and welcome to the first in a new series of JVN blogs entitled Volunteering Wins Gold. We’ll be posting stories about volunteering during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We all hear about how amazing Team GB are doing (it’s impossible to ignore!), but what about the people behind the scenes? Our Jewish community has some amazing volunteers who have given their time to ensure the smooth running of the Games, and we’ll be blogging about their experiences every week. We’ll also be featured on the Jewish Chronicle’s blog so we can spread the word about their fantastic achievements. And don’t forget, if you feel the need to go for gold but you weren’t lucky enough to be picked to represent Team GB, you can find the volunteering opportunity for you on the JVN website.

This week’s blog features Doreen Samuels, a Flash Quotes Reporter at the Badminton in Wembley Arena. Over to you, Doreen…

My Gamesmaker experience began in Sydney in 2008.

We met up with good friends who had been volunteers in the Sydney Olympics and were emphatic that, when the opportunity arose, I must volunteer for the London 2012 Games.