
UNRWA threatened by its offspring

November 24, 2016 22:58
1 min read


It seems that the illegitimate child that UNRWA has bred is now going after daddy. John Ging was the one who launched the "UNRWA School bombing hoax" that was later proven to be false but is continuing its autonomous life of racist Islamist and anti-'zionist' websites.
Just as the Al Dura hoax, these stories cost Jewish lives, as they are taken as the excuse to justify terrorism in the Western world (they don't need any excuse for that in the islamist world).
Now that John Ging's life is threatened, maybe he'll learn that playing with matches can be a dangerous game.

The UNRWA is the most useless UN body, that justified its temporary existence by creating a permanent "Palestinian refugee" problem.
All other refugee problems have been solved in a matter of a few years. "Palestinian refugee" problem is the only one that outlasted all others and by far. It is also the only one where there are more "refugees" at the end than at the beginning. Did anyone hear about the "Arab states' refugee" problem? One million Jews from Arab states were relocated mostly without any UN help in a matter of years. The initial 700000 'Palestinian refugees' are now 5000000, a 'miracle' performed by UNRWA. And it pays 25000 people, a number of whom are Hamas militants, in contradiction to UN rules. Western contributors close their eyes.

UNRWA is paying Hamas militants to insert hate-speech in the children schoolbooks and sees no objection to that. In fact, they don't see anything at all.

UNRWA's demise should be a key step to starting the peace process. When 'Palestinians' will have to earn a living instead of hoping that UNRWA satisfies all their need, they will perhaps be less interested in arm struggle with Israel.