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U.N. Poisons its Human Rights Mission

October 4, 2010 15:40
4 min read

This is an op-ed written by Irwin Cotler, a Canadian MP and board member of the NGO "UN Watch", which appeared in The Australian. This is something which should concern anyone interested in the UN's human rights watchdog and how it is being exploited for political reasons by the world's worst violators. Although it was written for an Australian audience there are many points here that the British government would do well to consider as well.

U.N. Poisons its Human Rights Mission

THE UN Human Rights Council is the mandated UN body responsible for the promotion and protection of international human rights.

It was intended to improve on its discredited predecessor, the UN Human Rights Commission, which former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan critiqued for its "politicised" and "biased" decision-making, but it appears to have inherited and compounded the flaws of its predecessor.