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Trustees are the bedrock of our charities

We must to seek these leaders, support them and enable them to ensure organisations can thrive

June 22, 2022 14:42
Word trustee near glasses and the pen.
3 min read

Leaders take responsibility.  They have vision, build relationships and take action.  As a community, we are blessed with thousands of people who are currently in or have previously stepped up into leadership positions.  Many of those leaders are trustees of our communal organisations.  The guardians and stewards of our vital services.  Working alongside professional teams, they take on the responsibility of leading and governing our organisations to secure them for future generations.

Being a trustee is a privilege.  It is also a responsibility.  At our trustee tables, we have seen the challenge of constant decision making, pivoting, re-focusing and many difficult conversations over the last two years especially.  Leaders have navigated through the most difficult of situations and are now beginning to emerge to consider the ‘what next’….

We know that people become trustees for a myriad of reasons, from wanting to give back to their communities to meeting new people, learning valuable skills to wanting to make a difference in the world.  It has been encouraging to see a focus on increasing diversity in trustee boards in recent years.  As we scan the communal landscape, we have boards with increased diversity in gender, age, background and experience.  We have witnessed many organisations actively seeking to ensure underrepresented groups are present as a voice around their tables.  Much has changed and much is still to change.

As we continue to consider what next and are able to take time to vision the future of our sector, there are many issues that will be of high priority for our communal charities.  We are all too aware that the challenges ahead are complex.  We have learnt that things can change, overnight.  That as leaders we need to skilfully balance strategic long-term planning with agility and flexibility.

