Miriam Shaviv

ByMiriam Shaviv, Miriam Shaviv


Tony Blair's sister-in-law: 'I'm a celebrity, get me out of Gaza!'

September 4, 2008 13:07
1 min read

So Lauren Booth – journalist and, rather more famously, sister of Cherie Blair – is stuck in Gaza after being turned away from the Israeli and Egyptian crossings.

She arrived in the Palestinian territory last week on a boat with 45 other activists, aiming to defy Israel’s blockade of the Strip – and to show solidarity with the Palestinians.

Now she is complaining that she can’t leave.

Apparently, a week of solidarity is quite enough, thank you very much!

(Note of caution: according to the BBC, “sources claim that Ms Booth was offered an opportunity to leave Gaza over the weekend, but she declined to take it up” – which would make this just one more publicity-seeking exercise – and a very successful one at that.)

See also: Israellycool ; Meryl Yourish