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Time to establish communal principles on dealing with child abuse

A new body is required to make sure Jewish organisations deal with the problem in an accountable, professional and sympathetic way

June 4, 2020 09:26
Child abuse
8 min read

The Independent Inquiry into Child Abuse has recently heard evidence about child protection in religious organisations and settings, including in our own community. 

It covers training and understanding of abuse, policies and procedures, vetting, barring and regulated activity, arrangements to respond to allegations including pastoral support, and internal procedures for oversight — and as such touches on the responsibilities of a large swathe of our community institutions.

The inquiry has received relatively little publicity. However, it is worth noting that Migdal Emunah (the leading organisation in our community giving support to victims), Kol V’Oz (on Israeli organisation founded by a survivor of sexual abuse in Australia), the United Synagogue, the Union of Hebrew Congregations, Shema Koli (a helpline endorsed by the Federation of Synagogues, Gateshead, and similarly Orthodox organisations), Liberal Judaism and Reform Judaism are all - separately - represented. If you belong to those organisations, some of your money is going there.

The inquiry has so far spent 11 days hearing evidence and there are five more to come. All the evidence is public, although redactions are made to protect individuals who require protection. (You can read it for yourself at